Student Complaint Policy
The University of Dallas is committed to treating all students fairly and respectfully. The University's policies that apply to students are published annually in the UD Bulletin and in the UD Student Handbook. These publications are available online on the UD website. In an instance of perceived violation of a University policy, a student may file a complaint.
Complaints about a Staff Member
In a complaint about a staff member, the student complaint policy provides two avenues for pursuing a complaint: an informal resolution procedure and a formal resolution procedure.
Students may utilize either or both procedures.
Informal Resolution Procedure
The student arranges a meeting with the person involved with the complaint and/or with the direct supervisor of the person involved. For example, a student who believes he or she has been treated unfairly by an RA or RC might speak directly to that person and might ask the Director of Student Life to be present.
If the informal process does not resolve the complaint, the student may utilize the formal complaint procedure.
Formal Resolution Procedure
A formal complaint is in writing and sets forth a statement of the issue, the university policy or procedures violated, and the specific remedy sought. The complaint is normally submitted using an online form found on the UD website. Once received, an appropriate university official will evaluate the complaint, investigate if necessary, and respond to the student in a timely manner.
Complaints about a Faculty Member
A student who needs to report something in confidence can do so online using this form. A student who believes a final grade has been miscalculated should follow the Grade Changes policy. All other complaints that any student has concerning an individual faculty member in his or her role as a classroom instructor should following the following process in order to mediate the situation.
The student should discuss the complaint directly with the faculty member and try to resolve it at that level. If a student attempts to begin the process at a higher administrative level, he or she will be encouraged to address the issue with the faculty member first, unless it is of a sufficiently serious nature potentially warranting disciplinary action. Other administrators shall make a good faith effort to have the student confer initially with the faculty member.
If a student does not think the matter is resolved following a meeting with the faculty member, he or she may bring it to the department head. If the issue is not resolved at the department head level, the student can appeal in writing to the appropriate academic dean, whose decision will be final.
Under no circumstances should a student become the subject of retaliation for seeking
resolution of
a dispute with a faculty member.